About the project

Our goal

Our goal is to test and develop methods for efficient monitoring, conservation and restoration of biodiversity in shallow coastal waters with a focus on

  • Threatened species and habitats
  • Invasive alien species


Project area

We work on the shallow coastal sea floors of the northern Gulf of Bothnia, from Haparanda and Tornio in the north to Nordmaling and Kristiinankaupunki in the south.

Map over northern Gulf of Bothnia with SeaMoreEco project area marked
Illustration: County Administrative Board of Norrbotten







Project partners and financiers

The project joins expertise of marine biological and geological management in Finland and Sweden.




The project is funded by Interreg Aurora with a total budget of € 3 062 493.

The project time is three years, January 2023 – December 2025.

Co-financiers are:


Project activities

Click on the pictures below to learn more about our different activities and what we do within the project.

Photo of Fourleaf mare's tail (Hippuris tetraphylla) and people looking at it in the water

Activity 4.  Conservation management of species and habitats

The project area houses many rare and threatened species and habitats listed in the Habitats Directive annexes. Some of these species, such as Baltic water-plantain and the aquatic leaf beetle, have their main area of occurrence in the northern parts of the Gulf of Bothnia. The knowledge of the listed species varies, and for some the data on distribution and population sizes is scarce.

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People removing waterweed from the water

Activity 5. Restoration of species and habitats

Restoration may have great impact on the marine environment. By restoring key habitats we may create postitive cascade effects throughout the surrounding environment. In this activity we will test different types of restoration actions to tackle different problems. We hope to help both authorities and private actors perform successful restorations in the future.

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