Save the Bothnian Bay event in Oulu
Save the Bothnian Bay / Pelasta Perämeri / Rädda Bottenviken event in Oulu held on Thursday 29.8.2024!
Save the Bothnian Bay / Pelasta Perämeri / Rädda Bottenviken event in Oulu held on Thursday 29.8.2024!
During the field season shallow marine bottoms are being surveyed using snorkeling and drop camera.
A water suction pump to remove water weed was tested at Skallön.
During the field season of 2024, SeaMoreEco project partners in the North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre are piloting two differendc methods to remove Canadian waterweed (Elodea canadensis). These methods are piloted in Tukkikari flad in Ii and Akionlahti glo in Oulu.
Manda Håkans magisteruppsats publicerad av Åbo Akademi.
Grunda havsbottnar är ekologiskt mycket viktiga miljöer. De har mängder av olika habitat med rik biologisk mångfald och de är tätt sammankopplade med kringliggande natur. Miljön på de grunda havsbottnarna varierar mycket. Här finns bland annat mjuka skyddade vikar, öppna sandbottnar, steniga rev och grynnor och kala, exponerade klippor.
Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten and Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten works together in a pilot study in Skallön to eradicate the inasive plant species waterweed (Elodea canadensis).
The SeaMoreEco project was presented at the GeoHab 2024 conference.
Fourleaf mare´s tail (Hippuris tetraphylla), an aquatic plant that grows in shallow and sheltered bays, is critically endangered (CR) in Sweden according to the Swedish
At the end of November SeaMoreEco arranged a meeting in Umeå for the project partners to discuss methods and share knowledge about remote sensing analysis and eradication of the invasive species of waterweeds (Elodea canadensis and Elodea nuttallii).
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