Elodea removal – Skallön 2024

Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten and Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten works together in a pilot study in Skallön to eradicate the inasive plant species waterweed (Elodea canadensis).

County Administrative Board of Västerbotten and Norrbotten works together in a pilot study in Skallön to eradicate the inasive plant species waterweed (Elodea canadensis).

During the growt season floating covers will be placed above waterweed pathches on the bottom with the aim to reduce the light to the plants.

Large red cloth cover the grass
Floating covers being built on the shore.  Photo: County Admnistrative Board of Norrbotten

Hand holding water weed
Water weed (Elodea canadensis). Photo: County Administrative Board of Norrbotten

Red floating covers placed on the water
Floating covers being stitched together. Photo: County Administrative Board of Norrbotten

Two persons holding the red cover in the water
Heavy sides cover the edges to prevent light from reaching the waterweed. Photo: County Administrative Board of Norrbotten

People standing in the water next to the red cover
The finished cover. Photo: County Administrative Board of Norrbotten